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Blog / What Is the Main Cause of Piles?

What Is the Main Cause of Piles?

What Is the Main Cause of Piles?

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common ailment that affects millions of people worldwide. They can be extremely uncomfortable and painful, often leading to discomfort and distress. At Ayurhridayam Clinic, a reputable piles clinic in South Delhi, we understand the significance of addressing the root causes of piles to provide effective relief and long-term solutions. In this blog post, we will delve into the primary cause of piles and shed light on how our expert lady doctor for piles in Delhi can offer comprehensive care.

The Main Cause of Piles:

Piles occur when the blood vessels in the rectal area become swollen and inflamed. While there can be multiple factors contributing to the development of piles, the main cause of piles is increased pressure on the blood vessels in the anal and rectal areas. This increased pressure can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as:

Chronic Constipation: Straining during bowel movements due to chronic constipation can lead to increased pressure on the blood vessels in the rectal area. Hard stools require more effort to pass, leading to strain and inflammation.

Diarrhea: On the flip side, persistent diarrhea can also cause irritation in the rectal area due to frequent and watery stools, leading to increased pressure on the blood vessels.

Pregnancy: The growing uterus during pregnancy can exert pressure on the pelvic veins and the inferior vena cava, leading to the development of piles.

Obesity: Excess weight can place undue pressure on the pelvic area, leading to congestion in the blood vessels around the rectal region.

Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity and prolonged sitting can impair blood circulation and contribute to the development of piles.

Heavy Lifting: Regularly lifting heavy objects can strain the lower abdomen and rectal area, leading to increased pressure on the blood vessels.

piles clinic in South Delhi

Comprehensive Care at Ayurhridayam Clinic:

At Ayurhridayam Clinic, we take a holistic approach to piles treatment that not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the underlying causes. Our skilled lady doctor for piles in Delhi specializes in offering personalized treatment plans that incorporate ancient Ayurvedic principles along with modern medical insights. 

Moreover, we don’t limit our expertise to just piles; we also provide relief for various other conditions such as back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, and joint pain. Our stress and spine care services cater to individuals looking for effective solutions to combat stress and enhance overall spinal health.

For individuals in Noida seeking specialized care, we also have a dedicated team including a back pain doctor, sciatica doctor, and neck pain doctor. These professionals are well-equipped to address a range of musculoskeletal issues and offer tailored solutions for each patient.


Understanding the primary cause of piles is essential in developing effective treatment plans and preventative measures. At Ayurhridayam Clinic, our dedicated team, coupled with our comprehensive approach, aims to alleviate discomfort and provide lasting relief to patients dealing with piles and related conditions. Remember, taking proactive steps to manage your health can lead to a life free from the discomfort of piles.

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